Our history
La Demeure - Guingamp
18th century
Without having reliable information on the precise date of construction of the Mansion, we can nevertheless retain the 18th century thanks to certain elements such as the rounded shape of the roof windows or the classical style of the building as a whole.
Most probably built on the site of two older houses, the Mansion was, over time, enriched by its various owners with numerous outbuildings, most often intended for servants and services.
The estate was vast and included land outside the ramparts, portions of the fortifications such as the tower known as “Tour de La Fontaine”.
The first owner was a member of the illustrious DE GASPERN family, holding the prestigious hereditary office of Seneschal.
When he died in 1658, he left three young children who were unable to assume the function that was incumbent upon them and sold it in 1763 to Bertrand LEBRUN, a very wealthy merchant. Five years later, he married the daughter of the deceased Seneschal and we presume that the dowry was this private mansion. The heirs followed one another.
During the Revolution, some of the inhabitants of the mansion were imprisoned and an inventory of the family’s property was made for a division between the Republic and the heirs.
This inventory gives a glimpse of the immense wealth contained in the mansion, a harpsichord, 3 sedan chairs, dresses, hats…
Today, La Demeure is a “pension de famille”. I have the chance to live there and to receive guests to sleep and or eat, I am the cook and I am accompanied by Léa, Anwar and Camille to manage the 10 rooms and suites, the restaurant and the tea room Sidonie (Sidonie is the name of my great grandmother).
We purchased La Demeure in 1992 and have been happily renovating it as a family ever since! My grandmother and I were and are passionate about cooking, we opened the restaurant together in 2009, she was 89 years old at the time and it was her talent that got us started!
When Charles died, his 5 children rented the house and then sold it to the De Boisboissel family. The Mansion is sold again in 1877, to a notary, Maitre Mahe Ville Blanche whose wife is a cousin of the De Gaspern family. The Mansion is then separated into 2 distinct rentals, the doors are condemned (we can still guess them at the location of some deep closets) and the gendarmerie who wanted this housing for a long time because of its stables becomes tenant. Both parts were sold to the Julienne family in the 20th century. The garden is divided into 4 plots for the 2 original houses and 2 houses built in 1954. One of them has in its garden the tower of La Fontaine.
On this occasion, Charles De Gaspern succeeded in regaining possession of La Demeure and lived there until 1815.
The g and k forged in the window sills probably date from this period when Charles de Gaspern, and his wife Louise de Kersauzon had to make some repairs following the degradations of the troubles of the Revolution.
At the death of the occupants in 1798, La Demeure was put under seal and the Republic claimed at least partial ownership. All the numerous distant heirs then made themselves known… The division of the property was therefore delicate and the Republic, in agreement with the heirs, decided to auction off the contents of La Demeure.